Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lola and Buzz

We named our cars and it all went downhill from there.

We graduated from names, to the pronouns her/him, to apologizing when we went rashly over speed bumps and to mutely sympathizing with them when they had to stay outside under polar vortexes and -40 C weather.


You can never tell (and me, I can NEVER) what people might come to mean to you, three tiny inconsequential months into meeting them. Time mocks our relationships, just as relationships often defy the elastic boundaries of time. List, list, list:

12 hours: How much ahead of me, the most important part of me goes on living in my absence
1 hour : The shortest time in which I have fallen madly in love with someone
2 years: How long it took to get over an idiot I dated for 6 months
6 months: Getting over another chump 2 years after a painfully involved relationship
5 hours: Chatting on the phone with Natu. Just like that, one day after school
1 minute: Time required to get Sherin giggling madly, a month after not talking to her
5 minutes: Groveling to all and sundry for not calling. Im sorry, I suck.


The friends I have made here surprise me because I thought I had long exhausted as invisible quota of how many awesome people seem to want to drink chai with you. But no, apparently, I have space for many more :) 


Dharini said...

Heh. Whenever I drive around the SF hills, I give my car little bits of encouragement. "I beleive in you", "You can do it" are not uncommon. In my case though, I strictly use pronouns because the name of my car leaked out of my brain a few days after the christening.

Sharanya said...

2276what is your car named aggie. tell me all and sundry.